A Story About a Valuable Stolen Property

If you’re like me or any of the other 36 million people who’ve read Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code, then you probably love a good conspiracy story.

If that’s the case, then whoo-boy, do I have a doosey for ya.  Lewis Perdue has not only accused Dan Brown of plagiarizing from Perdue‘s books The DaVinci Legacy [published in 1983 ] and Daughter of God [published in 2000], but he has taken his case to court and the Internet.

A recent court ruling by Judge George Daniels of U.S. District Court in New York says that “Any slightly similar elements are on the level of generalized or otherwise unprotectable ideas.”

Still, Perdue plans to appeal this decision and argues that there are over 300 significant similarities between his book and The DaVinci Code. Perdue further argues that “in an analysis of more than 50 pivotal plot events, sixty-five percent of these – 65%occur in the same order.

In his latest blog post, Perdue says despite Judge Daniels’ ruling, Perdue’s battle to show that Brown plagiarized his work isn’t over, in fact, “It’s hardly begun.”

You can find more of Perdue’s thoughts HERE.

I’ve read and enjoyed Brown’s The DaVinci Code.

I haven’t yet read Perdue’s The DaVinci Legacy or Daughter of God, but I should since they sound like good conspiracy stories.

Then again, maybe I should just follow Perdue’s Battle Against Brown.