I’m Glad That I Waited

From the title of this post, you might think that I’m going to talk about the success of “The 40 Year Old Virgin,” but I’m not.

Instead, I’m here to talk down the “bare bones” dvd release of “Sin CIty.” As most of you know, I’m a huge fan of Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller and especially the Sin City series of graphic novels. The mix of Rodriguez and Miller with one of the best casts in recent memory made Sin City a must have for my dvd collection.

I thought long and hard about whether or not to get the current “bare bones” edition and finally decided to wait. I figured that the deluxe edition would be out maybe as soon as Christmas, I’d already seen Sin City twice and would be taking a stand against this kind
of marketing.

Beatty bought his copy and really tempted me to break down and get one as well.

But ultimately I didn’t. And in a weird way I felt like I wasn’t supporting Rodriguez, Miller and Sin City.

Yeah, I felt that way until I read that Rodriguez “openly loathes” the “bare bones” edition. Rodriguez even goes on to say, “I hate it when they do double-dip stuff, so I don’t put any extra **** on there at all so people will hopefully go, ‘Ah, I’ll just wait.’

So how long will we have to wait? “December [or] not too far afterwards” is the word from the man himself.

Now you know why I’m glad that I decided to wait… and four months compared to 40 years is a piece of cake.