Zack Snyder Interview [2006]

Zack Snyder is on a roll.

Snyder first came to my attention when it was announced that he would direct the “remake” of George Romero’s “Dawn of the Dead.”

There was a ton of pressure on Snyder, not only because he was a first time director, but also because he was treading on sacred ground [well, at least to zombie fans]. There were a ton of folks who whined that the movie would suck (even before a day of film had been shot). Snyder defied them all and turned in one of the best zombie films ever.

Snyder then turned his attention to translating Frank Miller‘s epic 300 to the big screen. Next to “Rocky Balboa,” “300” is the movie that I am most looking forward to seeing. Check out the official site and you’ll see why.

Next up for Snyder is Alan Moore’s “Watchmen.” You can tell from this interview that Snyder is having a blast. He must feel like a kid in the candy store… or maybe that should be a bakery.

After all, he is on a roll.