Free Preview of Gravedigger #1 by Chris Mills and Rick Burchett

Long time readers will know how much I love the Gravedigger crime comics created by Chris Mills [writer] and Rick Burchett [artist].  Hard to believe I’ve been talking Gravedigger up for over a decade.

The great news is that Gravedigger is back in print and the first issue is available now.  If my hyping it hasn’t been enough to get you to spring for one of the best crime comics going, then maybe the preview of the first issue provided by TMStash will.

Before you click over, know that the comic contains explicit language and bad guy-on-bad guy violence.  Oh, and there’s a thug in there named Zablo but I’m sure any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

TMStash preview of Gravedigger #1.