Checkin’ in with the Jazzman
It’s been a while since we checked in on my buddy, Ernest “Jazzman” Resendes. Jazz is always working on something involving his creative talents. He’s an artist, musician, actor, director and more. Jazz’s latest video is a spooky, hypnotic combination of all his talents.
Craig, you’re a little behind that video is over 5 months old. 😉
I love the video…I wish he would have done more. My only complaint is that it feels like one long introduction. Would have been cool to have Jazz sitting down talking about his art, styles he uses, his inspiration etc…in between showing some cool filmed footage.
But maybe that video was the introduction and he’s going to have more in the future?
Guess you missed when I said: It’s been a while since we checked in on my buddy, Ernest “Jazzman” Resendes.
It’s not what I hear but what I want to hear, or read. 😉
Now THAT made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the chuckle!