Two “Matrix” Movies and a “Riddick” Trilogy
The Matrix: Reloaded will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival on May 15th which is the same day the film will be released worldwide. Man, I am so stoked for this movie. Still, I don’t see how there is any way that it can be as good as the first… and to think that before the end of the year we’ll also get to see The Matrix: Revolutions.
And while we’re on the topic of movies I am really looking forward to… did you hear that Karl Urban, [The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers] has joined the cast of the Chronicles of Riddick, which stars Vin Diesel? Thandie Newton [Mission Impossible 2, Shade] is also in negotiations to join the cast. Thandie and Vin could make for a very interesting pair!
Now let’s see… Two Matrix movies released before the year is over… and a Riddick trilogy which begins filming in June. Ah… life is good!