From The Rock to Dave Bautista, Here’s the 10 Best Wrestlers-Turned-Actors
Bradley Russell’s From The Rock to Dave Bautista, Here’s the 10 Best Wrestlers-Turned-Actors piece for GamesRadar was a fun read and it got me to thinking…
Shouldn’t Stone Cold Steve Austin have been rated higher than 10?
Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin both had their best performances in a Stallone movie!
Did you catch Kevin Nash’s cameo in John Wick?
Does anyone besides Bradley Russell think that Jesse Ventura’s best move was The Running Man? Ventura was in Predator!
Dwayne The Rock Johnson is #1 and should be. I also want to see for the record that Johnson’s crime film Faster is very under-rated.
While Russell’s list is a good one, there has been a major oversight. Terry Funk was left off!
How could any list of Professional Wrestlers Turned Actors omit the man who played Franky the Thumper?