Francesco’s Sweet Deal!
I recently discovered that Francesco Francavilla was offering a free quick sketch with every sketchbook purchased from his blog. Since I’d been a fan of his work for a while, I decided that the time was right to take advantage of the deal. I checked to make sure that he was down for a Stallone piece [he was] and then Paypalled him some of my hard earned smack-a-toons for a copy of Chiaroscuro Volume I and a Stallone quick sketch.Francesco quickly contacted me to say that he’d received the order and that he’d be sending it out by the end of the week. About midway into the next week a securely wrapped package arrived. [Francesco must have heard about my mail carrier!] I opened it to find the sketchbook and Francesco’s take on Sly as Freddy in Cop Land. I sat down and checked out the book which is chock full of sketches — everything from Batman to Zorro to Sin City to Judge Dredd, the Fantastic Four, Hellboy and so much more!
Talk about a great deal — the sketchbook and original piece of art for twenty-three bucks including postage! I plan to go back for the second sketchbook, Schermoscuro Volume 1 after the first of the year. Check out Francesco’s web site and you may want in on the deal yourself.
PS — I plan to post Francesco’s Cop Land piece this weekend.