“Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” (2004) starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law & Angelina Jolie / Z-View

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

Director: Kerry Conran

Screenplay:  Kerry Conran

Stars: Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law,  Angelina Jolie and Giovanni Ribisi.

Tagline: The world will tremble.

The Plot…

The year is 1939.  Ace reporter Polly Perkins (Paltrow) is investigating the disappearance of five prominent scientists.  During a secret meeting with one of her sources the city comes under attack by giant flying robots! Soon Sky Captain arrives to assist with the defense of the city.  Reports come in from around the world of similar attacks.

Polly meets with Sky Captain and convinces him to allow her to assist with his investigation into the source of the robots.  Soon they will be involved in an adventure to save the world!

Thoughts (beware of spoilers)…

Kerry Conran, the writer/director created Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow as a love letter to the comics, films and serials that he grew up loving.  He perfectly captured the feel of these adventures from his youth.  Most of the sets were computer generated using blue screens.

I saw Sky Captain during its initial release and rated it 4 of 5 stars.  I recently rewatched the film and have revised my rating to 3 of 5.  My feeling this time was the film was a little long, but it could be that I knew the story.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) rates 3 of 5 stars.