“Westworld” (1973) written & directed by Michael Crichton, starring Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin & James Brolin / Z-View
Westworld (1973)
Director: Michael Crichton
Screenplay: Michael Crichton
Stars: Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin, Norman Bartold, Alan Oppenheimer, Linda Gaye Scott, Steve Franken, Michael T. Mikler, Terry Wilson, Majel Barrett, Anne Randall, Charles Seel and Dick Van Patten.
Tagline: Boy, have we got a vacation for you…
The Plot…
In the near future those that can afford it go to an adult theme park named Delos. Delos is divided into three separate sections: West World, Medieval World and Roman World. Each world is designed to replicate the eras of their name. Robots almost indistinguishable from humans populate each world. Guest interact and act out their greatest fantasies. Want to be a bank robber in the old west? Overthrow a king? Partake in Roman orgies? You can do all these things and more.
Repeat visitor John Blane (Brolin) and his buddy, first timer Peter Martin (Benjamin) are visiting West World. They’re having a blast. Until things start to go wrong… very wrong.
Thoughts (beware of spoilers)…
I saw West World when it was first released in 1973. I was 15 and loved it. I’ve re-watched it many times over the years and still love it. I thought that James Brolin would be the last man standing. I was so shocked when it turned out I was wrong.
Years after West World Michael Crichton created another amusement park that goes sideways with his novel (and later a film) Jurassic Park.
The film is set in the near future… 1983.
Silent film star, Harold Lloyd’s estate was used for Roman World filming and is listed in the credits!
Alan Oppenheimer plays one of the technicians in charge of the robots. Oppenheimer in the following year will play Dr. Rudy Wells, in a similar role on The Six Million Dollar Man.
As the robots begin to malfunction and the problem spreads from robot to robot we get one of the first instances of computer viruses!
Yul Brynner’s character dresses almost exactly as the character he played in The Magnificent Seven.
Westworld (1973) rates 5 of 5 stars.