“Bring Him to Me” (2023) starring Barry Pepper, Jamie Costa & Sam Neill / Z-View

Bring Him to Me (2023)

Director: Luke Sparke

Screenplay: Tom Evans

Stars: Barry Pepper, Jamie Costa, Sam Neill, Rachel Griffiths and Liam McIntyre.

Tagline: When is it too late to turn back?

The Plot…

When a well planned robbery goes bad, the crime boss has questions.  Now the getaway driver and one of the thugs involved are headed back to provide answers.

Two problems: 1.  It appears that they’re being followed.  2.  They may be heading to a certain death.

Thoughts (beware of spoilers)…

Bring Him to Me was a wonderful surprise.  I loved everything about it. The story, the cinematography, the direction and acting are all top notch.

Bring Him to Me features my favorite performances by Barry Pepper and Sam Neil. Jamie Costa was excellent in his role.

Bring Him to Me (2023) rates 5 of 5 stars.