“Breakwater” (2023) written & directed by James Rowe, starring Dermot Mulroney, Darren Mann, Alyssa Goss & Mena Suvari / Z-View
Breakwater (2023)
Director: James Rowe
Screenplay: James Rowe
Stars: Dermot Mulroney, Darren Mann, Alyssa Goss, Don Henderson Baker, JD Evermore, Celia Rose Gooding, Mike Stanley, Sonja Sohn, Timothy Douglas Perez, Blaque Fowler, Kenneth Nance Jr. and Mena Suvari.
Tagline: The deepest secrets are the last to rise.
The Plot…
Dovey (Mann) is a young man about to be released from prison. He was sent there on a trumped up charge. While in the joint Dovey was protected by a respected con named Ray Childress (Mulroney).
Right before Dovey is released Childress shares a photo of his daughter. He tells Dovey that they haven’t seen each other in years. She won’t talk to him. Childress asks Dovey to go to her. Make sure she is safe and doing well. Dovey feels he owes Childress and makes the commitment.
What Doey doesn’t know is that the woman isn’t Childress’ daughter. And if Dovey finds her, she’ll be targeted for murder.
Thoughts (beware of spoilers)…
Breakwater is an enjoyable low budget crime film. Dermot Mulroney plays a convict the other inmates fear, not because he’s a beast, but because he’s smart. Mulroney is surprisingly menacing. Darren Mann is believable as the naive ex-con who wants to do what’s right.
Breakwater (2023) rates 3 of 5 stars.