“Arnold” (2023) starring Arnold Schwarzenegger / Z-View

Arnold (2023)

Director: Lesley Chilcott

Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron, Sylvester Stallone, Linda Hamilton, Danny DeVito, Jamie Lee Curtis, Frank Zane, Boyer Coe, Jay Leno, Franco Columbu and Ivan Reitman.

Tagline: A city at the center of chaos. A detective with special skills. A madman testing her limits.

The Plot…

Arnold is a three part mini-series on the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Each episode has a focus: 1) Athlete, 2) Actor and 3) American.  Arnold shares photos, videos and behind-the-scenes stories.  He is surprisingly frank about his life, including mistakes he’s made along the way.

It would have been easy for Arnold to just put the spotlight on his successes. Kudos to him for speaking frankly about his triumphs and shortfalls.

Arnold (2023) rates 5 of 5 stars.