Heroes Con 2010, Part 7
That’s Otis Frampton getting ready for his close-up. Most regular ZONErs know Otis from my many posts about his 7-7 Sundays.
That’s Sean Gordon Murphy holding up the Rocky & Butkus sketch that he did for me at the convention. I was really excited to get on Sean’s sketch list and even happier when I saw the end result. You know that I’ll post a scan of it in the coming weeks.
Here we have Wayne Osborne and Uko Smith. I’d never met either of these guys before. They were set up almost directly across from Big Beatty’s table. I noticed that Uko was the artist and Wayne just seemed to be hanging out at the table… sort of like I do with Beatty. Then I noticed that Wayne looked a bit like me (or is it that I look a bit like him?).
So I told Beatty, “that artist brought his own Zablo“. Beatty looked across and did a double take. He got to chuckling. That’s when he noticed that Wayne saw him looking and laughing. So Wayne mouthed something that I won’t repeat. Now Beatty didn’t know what to do. He’d been caught making fun of a stranger, or at least it seemed that way. That’s when Big John realized who it was. John had met Wayne before years ago. Wayne didn’t think Beatty was talking about him, he was just being silly to get John’s attention. At any rate, it was pretty funny if you were there.
Starting tomorrow, I’ll post some photos of some of the art that made it to the auction. Hope you’ll be back.