The Not So Last Days of American Crime

It’s hard to believe that I first posted about Rick Remender’s The Last Days of American Crime nearly seven years ago.  At that point it was just an idea that RIck had for a cool crime comic.  Nearly seven years later came the addition of artist Greg Tocchini and a company interested in publishing it.  The rest is, as they say, just the start.

Although The Last Days of Crime is coming to an end, there are still more stories to tell.  As Rick Remender told

“Once you read the first trade, you see how those rules work. The API broadcast is a ticking clock that everyone is going to be reacting to in the United States. People who have bad things they need to get out of their systems of revenge trips or whatever they need to take care of, they’re going to be out doing those things and people who are just regular family folk are going to be inside their houses with doors boarded up and a shotgun pointed at the window. In America, there’s 500 million potential stories for what’s happening the two weeks before American Crime is put to a halt. To that end, I’ve got a revenge story that I like quite a bit. I want the next volume to be quite a bit different from this one…”

If you’ve been reading the comic series, my guess is you’ve enjoyed the ride.  If you somehow missed it, check with your local comic shop to see if back issues are available or pre-order the trade paperback now!

Oh, and don’t miss the interview with Rick conducted by the fine folks at