Stallone Gets “No Rest for the Wicked”
Sly Stallone is set to star in a remake of No Rest for the Wicked. The original was an award-winning film made in Spain. In a recent interview Stallone described No Rest for the Wicked…
- “…a wonderful film that was done in Spain, No Rest for the Wicked. It’s hard-core, in the Bad Lieutenant mode…”
Sly will play…
- Burned-out cop Santos Trinidad who visits a lonely nightclub for a last drink. After a seemingly trivial incident with the owner, he ends up shooting him, his bodyguard and a waitress in a fit of rage. Only one witness escapes with his life. Santos destroys all evidence linking him to the shooting and tries to track down the witness. In the process, he uncovers an Islamist cell planning a terrorist attack.
All I want to know is where is the line to buy a ticket?