Mike Zeck @ Heroes Con!

My buddy, Mike Zeck stopped going to comic conventions years ago.  So it was a huge surprise when Mike announced that he will be at Heroes Con next weekend as part of their 30th anniversary celebration

Mike will join a panel featuring the guests of the first Heroes Con, and he’ll also be set up signing autographs, selling his sketchbook as well as the crime graphic novel, Damned, that he did with Steven Grant [writer], Denis Rodier [inker] and Kurt Goldzung [colorist].  If you enjoy crime comics, I highly recommend you give Damned a look.  Mike’s sketchbook is also well worth the price of admission.

If you’ve never met Mike Zeck and want to, plan to swing by and see him at Heroes next weekend.  Odds are if you miss him, your next shot will be at Heroes’ 50th anniversary celebration.