Dick Giordano, “Demolition Man” and More Breasts!
There’s an old saying, “Be careful what you ask for… because you just might get it.” Dick Giordano tells a great story that illustrates that point.
Now to Dick Giordano’s story of be careful what you ask for. Mr. Giordano had the assignment of pencilling a cover that featured a sexy female super-hero. He turned in art for final approval and received a note from the editor who shall remain nameless [ *cough* Jim Shooter *cough*]. The note said, “Make her breasts bigger.”
Mr. Giordano thought the breasts were already large, but he shook his head and re-drew the breasts larger.
He sent the artwork back to the editor. Once again the page was sent back to Mr. Giordano. This time the note simply stated: “MORE BREASTS.”
Dick didn’t want to disappoint the editor. He sat back down, drew a third breast on the character and sent the page back. Needless to say, it wasn’t returned again.
Mr. Giordano shared this story to a group of us as I was getting him to sign my Demolition Man mini-series.
- Updated 5/13/23
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