“New” Theory on Who Killed JFK – “JFK: The Smoking Gun”
I was just five when President Kennedy was assassinated. I was on vacation with my grandparents in Florida. My grandfather had taken me with him on a quick trip to a supermarket. A man came running into the store yelling that the president had been shot. All of the adults seemed scared. We hustled back to the hotel and my grandparents stayed glued to the tv to get the latest updates.
As the years passed, there was always a lot of talk about “who was really behind” the assassination. Was it the mob? LBK? Castro? With each passing year it seemed another theory rose up to explain how the most powerful man in the world was killed. I read each theory and filed it away. None seemed more plausible than it was a lone nut with a high powered rife.
Still, I was always willing to give the next theory a listen.
Now there’s a new documentary that is …
based on the work of Colin McLaren, a veteran Australian police detective who has undertaken a four-year investigation into the killing.
His theories are based on the work of Howard Donahue, who spent two decades probing the assassination and whose work was presented in the book Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK, by Bonar Menninger.
This theory postulates that Oswald fired the first shot that hit President Kennedy. Then as Secret Service Agent George Hickey drew his weapon and jumped on the back of the President’s Limo, his gun accidentally discharged shooting President Kennedy in the back of the head. This theory also explains the…
…the different ballistic profiles of the two bullets that struck Kennedy… Mr Menninger insisted that they do not believe that Agent Hickey intentionally fired at Kennedy. Rather, the Huffington Post reported him as saying, ‘this was a tragic accident in the heat of the moment.’
But the pair do allege that the government moved swiftly, with the help of Kennedy’s brother Robert, to cover up the Secret Service’s involvement and save the agency from embarrassment.
While I don’t think that this new theory is more likely than a lone gunman with a high-powered rifle, I am willing to give it a listen. JFK: The Smoking Gun will be broadcast on the Reelz Channel on November 3.
Thanks to Joey and the Huffington Post for the link.