Category: TV

Bob May: RIP

Bob May passed away today.  Many, if not most of you probably don’t recognize the name or face.  I know I didn’t right away.  The reason that I’m noting his passing is because he played an important role in one of my favorite TV shows when I was a kid.  Bob May was the man in the robot suit on “Lost in Space.” Although it was Dick Tufeld who provided the robot’s voice, it was Bob May that made the robot move.  Together they created one of the most memorable tv characters of all time.

Bob May didn’t have a huge list of credits on the Internet Movie Database.  He wasn’t a household or name or have an instantly recognizable face, but he did play a part on one of my favorite shows as a kid and I didn’t want to let his passing go without mention.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and fans.

Prison Break Canned

I just read that FOX is cancelling “Prison Break.” I can’t say that I’m surprised or even too disappointed.  That might sound strange considering that “Prison Break” is one of my favorite tv shows.  (Stephen King said the same thing not too long ago in an issue of Entertainment Weekly.)  I’ve followed the show without fail from episode one, season one.  It’s still one of the first shows I’ll turn to when firing up the ole dvr.

So why am I not too disappointed that the show is coming to an end?  Well, I think that it’s pretty much run it’s course.  Truth be told, I wasn’t too sure that they’d be able to pull off a second season after breaking out of prison.  But they did.  The characters were interesting enough and the story moved fast enough that the twists and turns were a blast.  The third and fourth seasons have been more of the same… but lately the show seems to be heading to a conclusion.  And I have no problem with that.  In fact, I’ll be there watching until the very end.

Jack is Back!

“24” is back tonight with a two hour premiere!  I’m really looking forward to the return of Jack Bauer“24” is one of the few shows that I have watched from the first episode without missing a single show.  I’m ready for the streak to continue.

Welcome to the Jungle

I don’t know anything about the new A&E show Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force other than I really like the poster promoting it. The poster is better than most created for today’s feature films. In fact, if the show is as good as the poster it’ll be worth viewing. I think I’ll tune in and see. [In other words the poster did it’s job.]

"The Shield" Final Thoughts

The series finale to “The Shield” was a fitting ending to one of the best crime/cop shows ever on television. Although it would have been impossible to live up to everyone’s expectations, the series did manage to go out as it came in… with an episode to surpise, shock and keep you thinking long after the end credits rolled.

Let’s end this post with an “interview” with “Shield” creator Shawn Ryan held after he watched the series finale with a half dozen critics. It’s fun reading and provides a lot of insight into what made “The Shield” so great. [Hats off to Alan Sepinwall of The Star/Ledger for putting it together.]

Hoping for Breathtaking!

We’re just a little over 24 hours away from the final episode of “The Shield.” Although a few critics have seen how the show wraps up, nobody is giving away anything. I’m glad. I can’t wait to take it all in and see who lives and who dies.

Gillian Flynn, TV Critic for Entertainment Weekly, saw the finale and concluded her write-up for the November 28th issue by saying:
“When the end comes, it’s breathtaking — and what’s even more stunning

is, after you’ve catalogued all of Mackey’s unforgivable sins, you’ll still find yourself rooting for him…”

If the finale is even half as good as the premiere episode, we’re in for a great hour and a half of television… and if it turns out to be as Flynn says, “breathtaking,” even better.

The Shield: Predictions Please!

Next Tuesday, FX will air the final episode of “The Shield.” I’m proud to say that I’ve been a fan of the show since episode one of the first season. I’m equally proud to say that I’ve turned on several friends and family members it as well. If you’re a fan of the show, I’d love to hear how you think it will end. There’s been a lot of speculation among devotees of the show. Some of the more interesting predictions include:

  • Mackey will get away clean. [I really don’t see this happening.]

  • Mackey will die. [I tend to think not.] He will be killed by Ronnie. [Wouldn’t that be a twist? Mackey killed Terry Crawley because he was going to “rat out” the Strike Team and that’s exactly what Mackey did to Ronnie.] He will be killed by Dutch. [I’m not convinced Dutch will live — see below.] He will be killed by Shane. [Nah.] He will be killed by Mora. [Nah.] He will be killed by Corrine or Cassidy. [I just don’t see it.] He will be killed by Armenians. [That could happen if they discover that Mackey sold them out to the Feds.]

  • Dutch will be killed by the serial killer kid. [Boy, they sure are foreshadowing it. It would be shocking to see Dutch as he lays dying come to the realization that the kid had outsmarted him. I like Dutch though and hope that he doesn’t kick the bucket.]

  • Shane will be killed by Mackey. [Possible and at one point I really wanted to see that… not so much now though.] He will be killed by Ronnie. [Very possible.] He will turn himself in for a deal to spare Mara. [Another possibility.]

  • Claudette will die. [If watching Mackey get immunity didn’t kill her, I don’t think that she’ll just drop dead now — but you never know.] Claudette will lose it and kill Mackey. [Boy, that would go against everything she has stood for since the show started… so I don’t think so.]

  • Ronnie will go to jail because of Mackey’s confession. [Possible.] Ronnie will run. [More likely — and then he may be caught and go to jail or be killed.]

  • Cassidy will be captured and raped/tortured or killed when the Aremenians find out that Mackey double-crossed them. [Boy, wouldn’t that be a twist? Mackey becomes the cause of his daughter’s ruined life. THAT would be worse than prison.]

  • Corrine will be killed by Mackey when he learns that she ratted him out and in turn he ratted out Ronnie to save her from a non-existent charge. [I don’t see Mackey killing any of his family members.]
I think that Mackey will survive but be forced to live with the fact that the events that he put into motion caused him to lose his job and his family. There’s an outside shot that Mackey will die, but I hope that he goes out with some dignity if it happens. I think things look grim for Shane and his family. Mora may survive, but I think Shane is going to die. Ronnie will have to run to survive and I’m not convinced he’ll make it. Dutch may be in a serial killer’s crosshairs and it would be shocking for him to become a victim. I hope he is smarter than that. Claudette has been the moral compass of the show, but I’ve got a bad feeling in regard to her character. I think we may discover that Shane killed the female cop in order to get away. Dani should end up alright. Same for Billings and Julian. I’m not so sure about Aceveda.

So let’s hear your predictions! Then we’ll come back next week and see who came closest to getting it right.

The Night Gallery

Say the name Rod Serling and most folks will come back with “The Twilight Zone.” And rightly so. “The Twilight Zone” was a classic sci-fi series that still holds up fifty years later. Although not as well known, Rod Serling’s “The Night Gallery” was his follow-up series which premiered on NBC five years after the cancellation of “The Twilight Zone.”

The conceit of “The Night Gallery” was that Serling would come out and talk about a painting on display in the “Night Gallery” and the teleplay, either an original story [many by Serling himself] or an adaptation of HP Lovecraft, Richard Matheson or another sci-fi or horror writer would follow. The paintings always related to the story that followed. It was a cool idea and I loved the show when it originally aired. [Keep in mind this was the early 70’s and I would have been 11 or 12.]

I’ve been watching episodes on RTN lately and I hate to say it, but many don’t hold up near as well as older episodes of “The Twilight Zone.” Part of the problem could be that “The Night Gallery” episodes in syndication are often cut or expanded to meet the half hour time slot.

I recently discovered this site dedicated to “Rod Serling’s Night Gallery.” It’s chock full of information about the series with everything from episode guides, to misconceptions about the series to a gallery of paintings used in each episode. If you have any interest in Rod Serling or “The Night Gallery” you should check out the site. It’s even more fun than some of the episodes it covers!