Category: Horror

The Most Terrifying Film You Will Ever Experience.

The Most Terrifying Film You Will Ever Experience.”

As John Travolta said in Pulp Fiction, “That’s a bold statement.”  Like Travolta, I’m more than a bit skeptical.

Do you really think that the Evil Dead remake will be “the most terrifying film you will ever experience.”   Remember we’re talking about you.  You’ve seen a truckload of terrifying films.

Perhaps it will be the most terrifying film I’ll ever experience.  But the poster wasn’t talking to me.  It was talking to you.

The Day of the Dead Lives

If you like the art above, you may want to check out the comic that goes with it.  Dia De Los Muertos [aka Day of the Dead] is the brainchild of artist Riley Rossmo.  

Rossmo will be joined by three different writers [each writing a self-contained story] to create the three issue anthology that drops on January 9th.  

You can learn more in this brief interview with Rossmo at

Mars Attacks Cards Get the Treatment They Deserve

When I was a kid nearly everyone my age went through a phase where we collected bubble gum cards.  I can remember collecting baseball, football, monster, Beatles, Monkees, and Batman cards.  I wasn’t quite old enough to have collected Mars Attacks cards, but all of us knew their reputation.  

Mars Attacks trading cards were released in 1962, but were quickly pulled because they were considered too gory for kids.  Norman Saunders created paintings of the Martians blasting, burning and impaling humans in their quest to take over planet Earth.  So most of us knew of the cards, but had never actually seen them.  No matter, for our imaginations made the Mars Attacks cards much worse than the actual art ever could.   

Now, for the first time ever…

  • In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Mars Attacks, this comprehensive book is the first-ever compilation of the infamous science-fiction trading card series produced by Topps in 1962. Edgy, subversive, and darkly comedic, this over-the-top series depicting a Martian invasion of Earth has a loyal following and continues to win new generations of fans. For the first time, this book brings together high-quality reproductions of the entire original series, as well as the hard-to-find sequel from 1994, rare and never-before-seen sketches, concept art, and test market materials. Also included are an introduction by series co-creator Len Brown and an afterword by Zina Saunders, daughter of the original artist, providing an insider’s behind-the-scenes view of the bizarre and compelling world of Mars Attacks.
  • Includes four Mars Attacks trading cards.
  • Includes preliminary sketches and artwork, including a facsimile of the original trading card mechanical on the inside back cover, with reproduction of the 1962 handwriting from the original Topps production department.

The Mars Attacks book is a bargain and my guess is that many who buy it will be getting their first look at the cards they were never supposed to see.


Alien: The Illustrated Story

One of my all-time favorite graphic novels is Alien: The Illustrated Story by Archie Goodwin [writer] and Walt Simonson [artist].  Released at the same time as the Ridley Scott movie, Alien: The Illustrated Story not only adapts the movie, but also includes scenes which never made it into the film.  

Walt Simonson recently spoke to CBR,com about how the graphic novel came to be, why the original logo for the graphic novel wasn’t a hit with movie execs and his thoughts on Alien: The Illustrated Story Original Art Edition.

If you like Alien or comics, my guess is you’ll love Alien: The Illustrated Story

“The Goon” Movie… Let’s Kickstart This Sucker!

Ten years ago I wrote a post talking about an awesome new comic series called The Goon.  For more than a decade,  Eric Powell [who created, writes and draws] The Goon has continued to produce a comic loved by fans of all ages.

So it was no surprise when, four years ago, The Goon was optioned to become a feature film

About a year later we got to see a couple of production images showing how The Goon movie would look. 

Two years ago we were treated to a movie poster for The Goon which was listed as “Coming Soon to a Theater Near You.” 

A year ago we got to glimpse test footage from The Goon.   Each step of the way, the hope for an actual full length feature length Goon film seemed closer to becoming a reality.  Unfortunately, even with David [Se7en] Fincher on board, the financing wasn’t there.

Now thanks to Kickstarter, all that can change.  I’m in.  Will you join me?  The Goon movie… Let’s Kickstart this sucker!

J. O’Barr is Skinning the Wolves

J. O’Barr is writing and doing the art layouts [with finishes by Jim Terry]  for a new Crow three issue mini-series called Skinning the Wolves.  Set in a concentration camp in the darkest hours of World War II, the story…

  • investigates a world where the dark harbinger of vengeance is dispatched in response to one of history’s greatest atrocities and the ultimate evil that perpetrated it.

I’ve been a J. O’Barr fan since the original Crow mini-series debuted back in the pages of Caliber Presents.  Although I bought almost every Crow mini-series that followed it, something was always missing. Usually it was J. O’Barr.  I’m glad to see he’s back with story and layouts and will give it a shot!

Thanks to for the original link.