Category: Horror

I’ll Take a Blood Oath!

Today while I was checking out, I came across a review of Blood Oath by Christopher Farnsworth.  I’d never heard of the book or author before, but the tag line intrigued me:

The Ultimate Secret.  The Ultimate Agent.  The President’s Vampire.

So I read a little further and was told…

Christopher Farnsworth’s book is an amalgam of the HELLBOY comic and the men’s adventure series THE DESTROYER.

The book sounded interesting and then I came across this trailer that made me want to learn a bit more.  So I went to the Amazon page and saw that it had 36 customer reviews with an overall 4 1/2 star rating and with no rating lower than a 3 [and only 4 of those]!   I’m putting Blood Oath on my To Be Bought List… or perhaps even my Father’s Day Request List [Hint! Hint! to my sons].

Lurking Under Life

If you’re a regular ZONE reader, then you probably know that my buddy, Bill Black, is not only a comic publisher, but also makes low-budget horror and super hero movies.  The digital age has allowed more and more folks to make and market films.

I was recently contacted by Steve Kasansza, a regular reader of my StalloneZone site.  Steve and some of his buddies made a horror film called Lurking Under Life.  You can check out the trailer here and their website here.  If you like what you see you can get an autographed dvd copy of the film and a whole lot more.  This looks like a pretty good first film and I look forward to seeing the whole movie!

Predators: 74 Shots

Film Filia scored 74 new photos from Predators.  I’ve been looking forward to this sequel.  My guess is that a lot of the folks that thought that Adrien Brody wouldn’t be convincing as a tough guy able to go toe-to-toe with a predator will change their opinion after seeing the still above and the other 73 here.

“The Walking Dead” Speak

I’ve been a fan of The Walking Dead comic since shortly after the first issue was pulled off a printing press.  The Walking Dead is the best comic series being regularly published today.  I’m especially excited about the new AMC tv series that will bring the comics to life.

Quint over at AICN recently posted an interview with The Walking Dead creator, David Kirkman.  Here are a few tidbits…

AMC is giving us a huge deal of support and they have already shown that they have a lot of confidence in the show just by immediately picking up the six episode first season without ever even starting to shoot the pilot…

I’m actually writing the fourth episode in the six episode first season…

…Frank Darabont… His vision for this show is so unique and the pilot script is so strong that I think that that’s why AMC got behind it so quickly. I think Darabont’s hand in this is the thing that is driving it. I think that he’s going to turn this into a pretty awesome television show…

To read the entire interview, simply click here.

The Killer Inside Me Almost Out

I’ve been looking forward to the movie adaptation of Jim Thompson’s classic The Killer Inside Me since it was first announced back in 2002.  As you can see from the poster above, our wait is almost over.

I really like the vibe that this poster gives off.  You can see a serial killer-sized version of it over at  You can also see the creepy [and I mean that in a good way] trailer here.

Predators Posters Fall Short

I am really not feeling the Predators poster above or this one here.  First of all neither tag line works.

Above: “They are the most dangerous killers on the planet.  This is not our planet.” Huh?  Perhaps it would have been better had it read, “They are the most dangerous killers on our planet.  This is not our planet.” And the tag line for the second poster, “Fear is reborn” is equally as bad.  Does Adrian Brody look even the least bit scared?  Nope.  Worried?  Nope.  “Fear is reborn” indeed.

Let’s not forget the layouts on both. (Or better yet, let’s do.)  Above: They look like a team with the leader being the huge shadow creature — is that a Predator?  While the second poster makes it look like Adrian Brody is giving a Predator a piggyback ride.

I was really hoping for cool posters to go with a cool movie.  Let’s hope that these are not signs of the movie to come.