The Pitch: “Charlie‘s Angels” [times two without the comedy] meets “The Cave.”
The Overview: Six women friends on an adventurous weekend of deep cave exploration find themselves in a life or death struggle to find a way out after a cave-in. Unfortunately the cave-in is the least of their worries… the creatures hunting them plan to feast.
The Good: The feeling of claustrophobia. The creatures. There some legitimate scares [and some cheap ones as well]. Juno [Natalie Jackson Mendoza] and Sarah [Shauna Macdonald].
The Bad: Trapped over a mile below the surface, with dwindling food and water, few supplies and no sure way out… and that’s not the worst of it!
The Ugly: The creatures.
The Summary: I wasn’t expecting “The Descent” to be as good as it was. And while it isn’t a classic, it is a solid horror movie that manages to come up with new creatures and situations in a sub-genre of horror that could have been very routine. “The Descent” is worth a look.