Category: Art

Derek Fridolf’s Rambo

My buddy, John Beatty turned me on to Derek Fridolf’s artwork.  I was visting John and he handed me Derek’s latest sketchbook.  I was instantly into the art.  I said to John that I bet that Derek could do a pretty cool StalloneBeatty laughed and handed me the sketch above.  I was floored.

Derek offers a free headsketch with every sketchbook purchased.  John wanted the sketchbook, but doesn’t collect art.  So he asked Derek to do a Stallone piece that he would give to me.   Derek agreed and created his very cool take on RamboYou can check out more of Derek’s work here.  And of course John Beatty can be found here and here.

Thanks to Derek and John.

Gulacy Speaks

When I was in Junior and High School, Paul Gulacy was without a doubt my favorite artist. Gulacy, along with writer, Doug Moench, created a comic book called Master of Kung Fu, which should be required reading for anyone who enjoys graphic stories.  The drawing above is a recreation of one of Paul’s classic splash pages.  You can see the man can still rock it.

The back issues of Master of Kung Fu are worth searching out.   I wish that Marvel would repackage them in a nice hardback, but due to rights issues involving Fu Manchu [really], that probably won’t happen.  Still, the back issues are worth a look and you can always check out Paul’s official site to get your Gulacy fix filled.

Kyle Baker Stays Busy

Kyle Baker is a busy man.  He’s currently producing, directing, and starring in an animated version of The Bakers for Fox.  He just completed the first Special Forces storyline,  He’s doing a biography of President Obama and is on tap to create two new comic series this year for Image. He also wants to do a new Bakers book to appear with the Fox release.

Whew!  Talk about a workload.  Everything Kyle Baker is involved in, is worth a look.  It shouldn’t be hard to find something he’s involved in.

Francavilla’s “Cop Land”

Francesco Francavilla is an extremely talented artist.  His art blog is a regular stop on my internet travels.  I love Francesco’s moody black and white work and was excited to get a copy of his Chiaroscuro sketchbook.  I was even more excited to learn that Francesco draws a free “quick sketch” in every copy ordered through his site.   As you can see from the scan above, he decided to give me his take on Freddy from “Cop Land.”

Chiaroscuro is 70 pages full of Francesco’s black and white work.  It features everything from quick sketches to more detailed work of characters like Hellboy, Batman, Kong, Marv, and so many others.  It arrives securely packaged [which is a major plus knowing my mail carrier] and the last page contains the quick sketch.   Francesco has another sketchbook available.  Schermoscuro is a classic horror movie guide in artbook form.  Francesco is offering the same deal on it and I plan to take him up on it soon.

Art Plans for 2009

I love attending Comic Book Conventions. It’s great meeting artists that I admire, and seeing friends that I seldom get to see. Getting sketches for my Stallone collection is an added bonus.

This year doesn’t look to be as promising for me getting to shows. Fewer days at shows will definitely limit my ability to get new art for the collection.

What to do then?

My plan is to purchase more sketches through the mail. Several artists offer free head sketches with the purchase of their sketchbooks. What a great deal!

My buddy, John Beatty, got me thinking about the idea when he ordered Derek Fridofs’ sketchbook. Since it came with a free head sketch, and John doesn’t collect art, he thought of me and asked for a Stallone sketch. [John has done similar things for me many times – and this is another chance to publicly thank him!] Derek came through with a very cool Rambo piece.

I saw that Francesco Francavilla offered the same deal as Derek so I ordered his Chiaroscuro sketchbook with a Cop Land piece. In the mean time I had been checking out Derek Fridofs’ site and really dug his work. I ordered his sketchbook and got his extremely cool take on Jack Carter.

Because these transactions went so smoothly it got me thinking about doing more. The prices were reasonable, the artists were people whose work I admired. The books/art were sent in secure packaging and the time between the orders and getting the pieces was very reasonable.

So I’m on the look out for artists who offer similar deals. I’d like to see if I can work out one a month. Any suggestions?

Mood: Optimism
Listening to: 70’s Music
Reading: Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell
Watching: “The Wrestler”
Playing: Internet Spades
Eating: Peanut Butter on a Bagel
Drinking: Skim Milk

Jim Ivey Says, “Slap ‘Em!”

Although I try to limit political discussion [this blog is supposed to be about fun stuff], I do love talking art [comics, movie posters, paperback covers, etc.].  President Obama had a series of political posters which made such an impact with their design that the style is being copied everywhere.

I decided that it would be cool to create a “Obamicon” using a vintage photo and favorite saying of my buddy Jim Ivey.

Crime Comics Lookin’ Good

It’s no secret that I love crime novels, movies and comics. Since 100 Bullets [the partial cover to number 99 is pictured above] is getting ready to end it’s 100 issue run, I was glad to read that DC’s Vertigo line is gearing up to produce a series of crime comics.  You can read all about their upcoming titles by clicking hereFilthy Rich, by Brian Azzarello and Victor Santos sounds the most promising to me.  I like Azzarello’s writing and after checking out Santo’s blog really dig his art.

Things are looking up for crime comic fans.

Welcome to the 21st Century, Wild Bill

My buddy, Bill Black, has moved AC Comics into the 21st century!

Everything, and I mean everything that a fan could love about Bill’s diverse product line is available with a click.  Femforce is here.    Giant Women [yes, giant women] are hereBill’s dvd line is available [with selected trailers].    If you’re into Golden Age Heroes, then click here.   Western Reprint fans will want to click on this.   You can even click here to read Femforce:Origins.

I can’t wait to see what Wild Bill has planned for the 22nd century!

Reading The Watchmen

So many ZONErs are eagerly anticipating “The Watchmen” movie that I’d be shot if I didn’t mention that there will be an Art of the Film Watchmen book. has a few exclusive photos.  In addition to the Art of the Film Watchmen book, there will also be The Watchmen: The Official Companion and Watchmen Portraits… not to mention the original graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.  Oh, and that reminds me that Dave Gibbons has a book coming out called Watching the Watchmen: The Definitive Companion to the Ultimate Graphic Novel.

Whew!  After we read all those books perhaps the movie will be out.

Joe Bluhm Gives It Away

Joe Bluhm’s drawings are dead-on.  Folks say Joe Bluhm has “crazy skills.” “Mad talents” cry others.  I’m starting to wonder if maybe both groups are right… and not just about his skills and talents.  See, Joe has a new art book coming out called Sketch Infectus.  And that’s where things start to head into crazyville.

Joe’s Sketch Infectus is an 80 page hardcover art book filled with nearly 400 of Joe’s drawings.   He’s selling this sweet package for just $19.95.  That comes to less than 20 cents a sketch.  Insane, right?  Well, it gets better my friends.

Joe also went out and gathered quotes, tips and advice from some of the top artists working today.  People like Tom Richmond, Steven Silver, Phillip Burke and others.  Did Joe raise the price?  Nope.

Then to show you how out there Joe is with this offer, let’s quote the man himself:

Anyone who pre-orders by February 5th (happens to be a good friend’s birthday!) will get an original sketch. And by sketch, I don’t mean I’ll draw a little 5 second scribble… I mean I’ll actually be cutting out the sketches from these and other sketchbooks and giving them to you! You might get something IN the book and you might get something else! Your sketch might have a doodle on the back. Who knows!

Now that deal is insane and crazy.  And if you don’t jump on it, you’d have to be too.

Flatulene – Stinky Good Time

If Rev. Dave Johnson aka “The Potentate” draws it, I’m there.  So today we have a link to Rev. Dave’s trailer for “Flatulene.” What is “Flatulene” you ask?  Well, here’s how “The Potentate” describes it:

Farting for fun and profit… About 3 days of work to put this together for Titmouse Studios second annual 5 second animation day… As I worked on it, her story started to write itself… My inspiration was Russ Myers ‘Faster Pussycat, Kill Kill’… I might even try to pitch this to Adult Swim.

So if a smokin’ hot chick with irritable-bowel syndromefast cars and a partner who’s a flesh-eating zombie sounds like something you’d like to check out, then click hereVROOM! VROOM!