Category: Movies

“Metropolis” Fully Restored

Most folks these days won’t watch black and white, let alone silent movies.  I have no problem with either, if the film is a good one.  Perhaps it’s because I grew up in the days when most shows on television were broadcast in black and white.

At any rate, I’m looking forward to seeing Fritz Lang’s silent [and yes, black and white] classic Metropolis with the fully restored footage.  If you check out this trailer and make it all the way to the end, Metropolis may be a movie you’ll want to watch as well.

Fatima Camiloza: Jack Carter

This week we have a watercolor piece of Sly as Jack Carter by Fatima Camiloza. I saw Fatima’s art here and noticed that she was doing ten dollar 4″x6″ watercolor pieces. I liked Fatima’s art enough to give it a go and the piece above is the end result.

I’m extremely pleased to have a piece by Fatima in my collection… and perhaps there will be more in the future!

The Raven

Peruvian filmmaker Ricardo de Montreuil made this teaser for a potential film trilogy.   The Raven aka Chris Black possesses a unique power that threatens the current power structure…

The chase is on as Chris runs for his life in this sci-fi thriller set in an alternate and futuristic Los Angeles.

This has a lot of potential.  I hope we see more soon!

Miller Visits Jurassic Park

If you’re a Frank Miller completist, then you’ll want to pick up the first issue of Jurassic Park: Redemption since Miller provides the cover.  The mini-series from IDW will run five issues and is written by Bob Schreck with art by Nate Van DykeTom Yeates is also providing a variant cover to the first issue, so be sure to let your comic shop manager know which cover you’re after should you decide to get one.

Future issues will feature covers by Arthur Adams, Paul Pope, Bernie Wrightson and Bill Stout.

Brolin is Hexed

The Entertainment Weekly Summer Preview issue takes a look at 96 films coming out this summer.  Guess that’s why it’s called the summer preview issue, right?  Anyway, one of the films covered is Jonah Hex.  The picture above is the first clear close-up that I’ve seen of Brolin in character.  I thought it was pretty cool.  Hope you do too.

Riddick’s Return Lookin’ Good

Earlier today, Patrick Sauriol of Coming Attractions posted a very positive script review of David Twohy’s The Chronicles of Riddick: Dead Man Stalking. According to Sauroil, Twohy has created a script that acknowledges all that happened in The Chronicles of Riddick and yet takes Riddick back to the type of character he was in Pitch Black.

From all that Sauroil writes, Twohy has crafted the perfect return for Vin Diesel as Riddick.  The only thing that I would suggest is to change  the title of the new film from The Chronicles of Riddick: Dead Man Stalking to Riddick.

“The Vega Brothers”

Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are my two favorite Quentin Tarantino movies.  For years Tarantino has teased fans about a potential movie featuring Vincent Vega [John Travolta from Pulp Fiction] and Vic Vega [Michael Madsen from Reservoir Dogs].  As the years drug on, every now and again a rumor would start about The Vega Brothers movie and how Tarantino was going to do it.  But the rumors turned out to be just that.  I gave up hope of ever seeing The Vega Brothers movie.

Two days ago, Michael Madsen gave an interview to WAAF [a Boston radio station].  A question came up about The Vega Brothers movie and Madsen said that Tarantino had finally figured out how to make it work.  You can see Madsen explaining Tarantino’s plan here.

It would either be the stupidest thing ever — or perhaps the coolest.  Tarantino could pull it off.  LOL.  I’d love to see it.  My guess is that in the long run it’ll just end up being another one of those Vega Brothers movie rumors.