All Time 10 Best Marvel Panels
Recently, in honor of Marvel Comics 70th birthday, had a poll opened to their readers to come up with the Top 70 Most Iconic Marvel Panels Off All Time. I decided to play along, and just using the choices from the survey came up with my Top Ten List.
10. A Steranko panel from his classic Captain America run which ended way, way too soon.
09. Thanos turns to stone as the Avengers and everyone else look on.
08. Gwen was dead, Spidey was ticked and we were shocked! Of course that was back in the days when characters stayed dead and comics weren’t rebooted every couple of years.
07. Daredevil was back. Miller was writing him and David Mazzuchelli was pencilling. It was good to be buying Daredevil again.
06. The end of the Warlock series. Perhaps Starlin’s greatest work. Ah, seeing Pip, Warlock and Gamora brings back some great memories.
05. Daredevil — from my favorite run on the book. Frank Miller and Klaus Janson. It didn’t get any better than them when they were hitting stride.
04. Another classic Steranko image from his run on Cap!
03. Who didn’t fall for Mary Jane when she told Peter [Spider-Man] Parker: “Face it, Tiger… You just hit the jackpot!” Of course I was about 7 years old at the time.
02. Another classic panel from Miller and Janson’s run on Daredevil.
01. A classic panel from Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin’s run on The X-Men. It’s a great shot of Wolverine sneaking in through the sewers to save the day. Fans [me included] couldn’t wait for Wolverine to be showcased solo. Of course this was in the days before Wolverine had his own book, his own movie series and was known throughout the world. Back then he was just the runt who tried to hold in a rage that sometimes got away from him. Of course he was still the best at what he did… and what he did wasn’t pretty. LOL.