Art of Hellboy

As most of you know, I’m a big fan of Mike Mignola‘s Hellboy. The comics, novels and short stories [including the spinoffs] and even the calendar are all above average to excellent each time out.

Despite Big Beatty‘s complaints about Hellboy‘s voice, I’m really looking forward to the movie as well. Mignola has had a hand in almost every aspect of getting it to the big screen. Guillermo del Toro [“Blade II,” which I loved] is directing and he and Mignola seem in sync. They’ve got Ron Perlman [their first choice] as Hellboy

So what could make the anticipation for “Hellboy” the movie even greater?

How ’bout a Hellboy: the Art of the Movie hardback for less than eighteen bucks?

Did You Know…

Did you know…

,,, German poet Heinrich Heine left everything to his wife in 1856 on the condition that she remarried, “so that there will be at least one man to regret my death”

Elvis Presley once entered an Elvis Presley lookalike contest but came third

… “Come, come – why, they couldn’t hit an elephant at this dist…” -was what American Civil War general John Sedgwick said just before he was shot

… The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the US

.. You’d know all of these things and more just by reading this interesting article!

Christmas Eve Thoughts

As the hour quickly approaches for ole Saint Nick to arrive, I want to tell you a few things before I hustle off to sleep with dreams of what the morning will bring.

JoBlo has the first official pic for “The Riddick Chronicles.” I’m really hoping that this one lives up to my expectations.

There aren’t many foods that I dislike… except for beets and fruitcake. You can imagine my surprise that anyone likes fruitcake… but why in the world would Jay Leno want to eat a piece that was 125 years old?

Comic artists and comic companies usually send out the coolest Christmas cards.

Christmas will be upon us in less than an hour. I hope this message finds all ZONErs happy and healthy and surrounded by loved ones. I hope that each of you gets what you most desire or at the very least avoids getting what you don’t want.



Goon or Bust

I’ve been a fan of Eric Powell and his creation “The Goon” since Eric first started self-publishing it a few years ago.

I talked it up as each issue came out… and again when Eric put out each Goon trade paperback… and again when Dark Horse picked up the series. Well, I’m talking it up again since Dark Horse is providing a free on-line preview of The Goon! Check it out, and if you’ve never picked up an issue, you’ll see what you’ve been missing [and what I’ve been yapping about all these years]!

And by the way, isn’t that the coolest Goon bust?


Renny Harlin is one of those directors that fans either love or hate.

Val Kilmer seems to get a similar reaction from fans for his acting.

Combine the two of them and throw in LL Cool J, Christian Slater, and a screenpay about eight FBI profilers stranded on an island with a serial killer

And we end up with a movie called “Manhunters” … one that fans will either love or hate. [And for the record… I don’t love the poster, but did enjoy the trailer.


Denzel is on Fire

“Man on Fire” looks to be a winner. Denzel Washington stars as an ex-government operative who reluctantly agrees to bodyguard a child. When she’s abducted, his rage is unleashed on those responsible…

Works for me… especially since the screenplay was written by Brian Helgeland [“Mystic River,” “Payback,” “L.A. Confidential“], directed by Tony Scott [“Revenge,” “The Last Boy Scout,” “True Romance“] and co-stars Mickey Rourke and Christopher Walken. Check out the trailer and let me know what you think.

Keep An Eye Out

Every now and again a movie will sneak up on me.

I just discovered the “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”. Check out the trailer and I’ll bet you’ll agree – this movie looks to be a cross between the old Fleischer Superman cartoons, The Iron Giant, The Shadow, The Rocketeer and all of those old movie serials that Bill Black loves!

The movie is written and directed by Kerry Conran [the name’s new to me] and stars Jude Law as the Sky Captain, Gwyneth Paltrow as reporter Polly Perkins, Angelina Jolie as the eyepatch wearing Capt. Franky Cook, and Giovanni Ribisi as Dex.

I’m, let’s hope Angelina Jolie will excuse the phrase, keeping my eye out for more info on the film and will post it as I get it!

That Kind of Scary

Most of the you regular ZONE readers know that I love a good MONSTER movie. Obviously the key to a great monster movie is, well, a great monster. The really cool monsters are the ones that scare the crap out of ya before they actually get their paws, claws, or mitts on you.

The creatures from “The Lord of the Rings” movies are that kind of scary.

Maxim Goes to the Movies

If you love movies, then you owe it to yourself to try and find tthe latest issue of Maxim Goes to the Movies, which is on newstands now.  I picked up a copy and enjoyed nearly every article in it

It features a nice interview with Billy Bob Thorton, a sneak peak at “Spider-Man 2,” pieces on the new “Starsky and Hutch,” “Big Fish,” “Paycheck,” “The Alamo,” interviews with Uma Thurman and Quentin Tarantino about “Kill Bill Volume II;”Lord of the Rings: Return of the King,” a Michael Madsen interview, a long “Hellboy” preview, and so much more.
Why are you still reading this? Go out and get the magazine… you won’t believe how good it is!

Sleeping With the Champ

Chuck Wepner has received a bit of press lately since he filed a lawsuit against Sylvester Stallone for a percentage of the profits made off of the “Rocky” movies. While the lawsuit is laughable, it’s not as funny as this true storyWepner fought Ali in 1975. Before the fight Wepner, known as the “Bayonne Bleeder” told his wife. “Go out and buy some expensive lingerie because after the fight you’ll be sleeping with the Champion of the World!” Ali won the fight. A bloodied Wepner walked back to his dressing room…… where his wife asked, “So, do I go to Ali’s room or does he come to mine!”

Fairplay Works

The season finale of Survivor is on tonight. Although I normally watch Alias, I’ll pass on it to find out who gets the million bucks.I really don’t care who wins this one. If I had to guess I’d say it’ll be Darrah. After Ruppert got booted few weeks ago I said, anyone but “Johnny Fairplay.” The guy is so annoying. Yet, the more I thought about it and watched him work… although he’s still very irritating, he has played the game well. He’s not the smartest or the strongest, but has been the best at working others. To think that he planned to pull the “grandma’s dead” scam long before he went to the islands… well, maybe he does deserve the million bucks.

Meet Ben Templesmith

If you’re a regular reader of my ZONE posts, then you know I’m a huge Steve Niles fan. I first discovered Niles through his novels and then his comics. Niles’ classic 30 Days of Night is being prepped for the big screen.
Since I’ve talked so much about Steve Niles, I think it’s time I give some time to Ben Templesmith the artist who helped make 30 Days such a runaway hit. Templesmith has his personal website here. If you enjoy them you should give his comics a try!

QT Has a Plan

Michael Madsen is one of those under-rated actors who makes a movie better every time he shows up. For nearly a decade fans have hoped that Madsen, Quentin Tarantino and John Travolta would get together and make “The Vega Brothers” based on their characters from “Reservoir Dogs” and Pulp Fiction.
As the years passed the project seemed doomed to never happen. Although Madsen says that Tarantino has a plan that could make it work…