Search Results for: "chris mills"

Free Preview of Gravedigger #1 by Chris Mills and Rick Burchett

Long time readers will know how much I love the Gravedigger crime comics created by Chris Mills [writer] and Rick Burchett [artist].  Hard to believe I’ve been talking Gravedigger up for over a decade.

The great news is that Gravedigger is back in print and the first issue is available now.  If my hyping it hasn’t been enough to get you to spring for one of the best crime comics going, then maybe the preview of the first issue provided by TMStash will.

Before you click over, know that the comic contains explicit language and bad guy-on-bad guy violence.  Oh, and there’s a thug in there named Zablo but I’m sure any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

TMStash preview of Gravedigger #1.

Max Allan Collins, Chris Mills & Nolan

Don’t you love the look of the new editions of Max Allan Collins’ Nolan crime novels coming for Perfect Crime Books?  For those not in the know, Nolan is an aging thief and Max Allan Collins is the author of the Nate Heller series, the Quarry series, and many, many other books.  I’ve never read anything that wasn’t excellent that was written by Max Allan Collins.   

Oh, by the way, our buddy, Chris Mills designed the Nolan covers and did a fantastic job.  Take a bow, Chris!

Chris Mills Spruces Up Atomic Pulp

My internet buddy [which means I’ve never met him in person], Chris Mills has retooled his main website.  It will serve as a hub to his other internet joints.  If you click over to this post about the new Gravedigger graphic novel, you might notice that the bad guy that gets the drop on Digger resembles someone we all know and love.  We’ll at least my dog loves me… I think.

Chris Mills is a great guy.  Swing by and show him some love.

Chris Mills Made Me a Winner!

Hey! Chris Mills recently held a contest in honor of his birthday. How about that? Chris gives presents to readers to celebrate another year on this planet. So… he had a drawing for a two issue mini-series that he wrote back in the day called “Bloodthirst: The Nightfall Conspiracy” and I was the lucky winner.

Chris runs a lot of cool sites including: Atomic Pulp, Femme Noir,  Perils on Planet X,  Guns in the Gutters, and many others.  Chris also wrote one of my all-time favorite crime comics, Gravedigger: The Scavengers and is currently working on a Gravedigger sequel in between running all of his websites and working on other writing projects.   Check out his sites.  My guess is you’ll find several that will appeal to you.

Things Have Been Coming Up “Kolchak” Lately!

Things have been coming up Kolchak around here lately.  I recently saw the above Kolchak art on Facebook.  It brought back memories of the two Kolchak tv movies, The Night Stalker and The Night Strangler from when I was a kid in junior high.  Great memories.

I decided to find out more about the art.  Turns out it was the cover for KOLCHAK: The Night Strangler Files.  The tv movie was written by Richard Matheson. Chris Mills (writer) and Amin Amat (artist) adapted it into the graphic novel.  I’m not sure who the cover artist is, but I sure do like that art.

Then Svengoolie announced that he would be getting the two Kolchak movies in the near future.  THAT is awesome news.

And that’s your Kolchak update for the day.

Atomic Pulp Comics Are Coming!

I would by THAT comic in a second!  Of course, I’m a huge fan of Rick Burchett’s art, but the mock-up cover Chris Mills designed just (no pun intended) screams that this will be a fun comic.  Although it is just a mock-up, Mills has announced some very interesting and exciting news.  Take it away, Chris…

I’m currently planning a line of action-adventure comics featuring my own versions of some old, public domain comic book heroes. My goal is to take characters from the 1940s and re-invent them in a 1970s-1980s style — which was my favorite era of comics.

Chris currently has plans for two on-going titles: Space Crusaders and Sleuth Comics with a third title, Savage Sagas, being a one-shot.

This is exciting news and something I hope you’ll consider supporting.  I know I will.

Check out Chris’ site for full details.

Top 10 Comic Books That Should Become R-Rated Movies

Alex Maidy and posted their choices for the Top 10 Comic Books That Should Become R-Rated Movies.  By now you know how this game is played.  Using just their list I present my top three choices…

  • Goon by Eric Powell:  Set in a universe that has all sorts of supernatural monsters and our hero Goon.  Definitely a tongue-in-cheek comic series full of fun.  The Goon was part of a Kickstarter campaign (and I was in!) but a movie hasn’t been made yet.  The promotional video looked great though.


  • Pax Romana:  Although I never read this series, I’m going to have to look it up.  Who wouldn’t want to see a “world where The Vatican discovers time travel and sends modern weapons back to Ancient Rome to change the future”?


  • Black Widow: A former Russian spy/assassin now in the US.  Think of Atomic Blonde or A Long Kiss Goodnight, now you’re on board, right?

Other series that didn’t make the list but would be excellent candidates:  100 Bullets by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso;  Sleeper by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips; Gravedigger by Chris Mills and Rick Burchett, Polar by Victor Santos and Scout by Tim Truman.

Gravedigger: The Abductors by Mills and Burchett

The photo above is of page two of the third Gravedigger story that Chris Mills and Rick Burchett would like to complete.

I sure hope they’re able to since Gravedigger is one of my favorite comic characters and the first two stories that Mills and Burchett created are some of my favorite crime, no scratch that, some of my favorite comics of any genre.

If you haven’t read any of “Digger” McCrae’s crime yarns, you can easily and cheaply enough here.    The trade paperback is also available through Amazon and InStockTrades. [I don’t make any kickbacks on any of the links, and honestly if I did, I send it to Mills and Burchett to get them closer to more Gravedigger tales.]

If you’re a fan of crime comics, great stories and art, or just want to help out a couple of really decent human beings — please consider giving Gravedigger a go.

Gravedigger by Mills and Burchett Going to Action Lab Entertainment!

Chris Mills announced this week that Gravedigger, the brilliant crime comic that he does with Rick Burchett will begin appearing from Action Lab Entertainment‘s Danger Zone later this year.

Regular readers know that I am a huge fan of both Mills and Burchett [separately] and Gravedigger is one of my all-time favorite comic characters.  Hopefully Action Lab will get enough sales of  two existing Gravedigger sagas – The Scavengers and The Predators to call for a nice hardcover and more Gravedigger yarns.

You can believe that I will keep you posted.