17 Things You Never Knew About “The Shawshank Redemption”

Hollywood.com presents 17 Things You Never Knew About The Shawshank Redemption.   Here are three of my favorites…

3. Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Paul Newman, and even Robert Redford were considered for the part of Red, who is a middle-aged Irishman in the original story… Darabont had Freeman in mind all along because of his presence, demeanor, and, of course, that voice.

16. When the cut-out hiding space for his digging tool was discovered in Andy’s Bible, it’s clear the book is open to Exodus.

Shawshank Redemption
Columbia Pictures

The word literally means “to escape or depart.”

5. The mugshot of Red attached to his parole papers looks just like a young Morgan Freeman for a reason: it’s Freeman’s son, Alfonso in the photos.

Shawshank Redemption
Columbia Pictures

Alfonso Freeman also appears in the film as a convict yelling, “Free fish! Free fish today!”