Richard Crenna – RIP

RICHARD CRENNA, the Emmy award-winning actor has died. He was 76.

Mr. CRENNA, whose credits included all three “Rambo” films, “Body Heat,” the classic suspense film “Wait Until Dark,” as well as many other roles, died of pancreatic cancer at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

RICHARD CRENNA is survived by wife and three adult children. A public service is to be held Jan. 25.

Travolta and Jackson in “Basic”

The movie is “Basic.” Ok, then.

Directed by JOHN McTIERNAN of “Die Hard” and “Predator” fame. The trailer makes it look like it’ll meet our best expectations.
We’ll find out when it opens on April 18th.

The Art of Sin City

FRANK MILLER is a genius. Although he’s worked in both movies and comics, it is in the latter that he has really made his mark. In the early ’80s, MILLER re-invented Daredevil taking him from a thrid rate hero to one of the most popular comics hitting the stands. After Daredevil came Ronin, and then Dark Knight Returns, the series that woke up mainstream America to the fact that comics were still around. MILLER went on to create Batman: Year One, Sin City and the groundbreaking 300.

But it is MILLER’s SIN CITY series that remains my favorite. All of the stories are set in the same corrupt big city and quite often feature overlapping characters. Every tale is well worth the price of admission and now MILLER even has released a book dedicated to The Art of Sin City. My copy hasn’t made it to the bookshelf yet, as I keep looking through and admiring the genius that is FRANK MILLER.

John Ridley’s Drift

JOHN RIDLEY is best known for his “noir” novels. He wrote Stray Dogs which was turned into the cult classic movie “U-Turn” which starred SEAN PENN, JENNIFER LOPEZ [before she hit it big], and BILLY BOB THORTON. His other books have for the most part been in the same vein…

The Drift is unlike anything that RIDLEY has written before. Well, that’s not exactly true. You see, RIDLEY‘s other book s have all been very good and The Drift is no exception. In fact The Drift may be RIDLEY‘s best book yet.

The Drift is the story of a man[Charles Hanson] who seems to have it all… a good job, a loving wife and a child on the way. Charles sees it differently. He sees his life becoming more and more repetitive. He feels confined… until he decides to leave it all behind for a life on the rails. That’s right, he decides to become a modern day hobo. He meets many strange characters [most who wish to do him harm] and has many adventures in his effort to save a young girl from the life he has chosen for himself. The problem is, he has to find her before she is murdered. To say more would be to say too much.

Crowe’s Roll

RUSSELL CROWE’S on a roll, and the trailer looks good.
So it might be worth it to check out Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.  [The title could use some help though…] Based on novels by PATRICK O’BRIAN, CROWE plays “Lucky” Jack Aubrey, Captain of the H.M.S. Surprise…

If the trailer is any indication, CROWE‘s roll will continue.

Last Samauri

I don’t know. Maybe it’s because the  Kill Bill  trailer rocked so hard.

Maybe it because TOM CRUISE has had such a great run in selecting projects. [OK… I do remember “Eyes Wide Shut”… but I didn’t say perfect run, just a great one.]

At any rate I just saw this pic from CRUISE‘s “The Last Samurai” and after reading the synopsis, I have to say that it looks like it could be a winner.

Maurice Gibb – RIP

MAURICE GIBB of the Bee Gees has died. He suffered cardiac arrest before abdominal surgery last week and had been listed in critical but stable condition. He was 53.

I’ve always been a Bee Gees fan. I liked their music before the disco craze hit, loved the stuff that they did during it, and continued to enjoy their work even after it was no longer cool to do so. 53 is way to young to die.

We’ve lost another talent, but as cliche as it sounds, the music will live on. Our prayers go out to MAURICE GIBB‘s family, friends and fans.

Vin Diesel is a Man Apart

VIN DIESEL‘s next film,  A Man Apart,  has Diesel playing a narcotics cop whose wife is murdered when when drug dealers attempt to kill him. Man, if they think he was after them before…

Although the advance word has been mixed, the trailer looks pretty good and with Diesel in the lead, ya gotta imagine that it’ll do well.

Personally, I can’t wait until DIESEL returns in “Pitch Black II: The Riddick Chronicles” but this will help get me through the wait.

Can You Dig It?

Dreamfield Entertainment announced today that it has reached a licensing agreement with Paramount Pictures to market action figures and accessories based on WALTER HILL‘s 1979 classic “The Warriors.” The toys are expected to be released this summer.

I remember seeing “The Warriors” during it’s initial theatrical release. I’m somewhat surprised that they’re making aciton figures of it twenty years after its premiere. But then again, it is considered a cult classic and it does have characters that will make cool looking action figures.

Can you dig it? I knew you could.

Rucka & Robertson on Wolverine

GREG RUCKA is one of my favorite writers. Best known for his Atticus Kodiac novels, RUCKA has also written quite a few comics [including the very popular “White Out” series].

It has been announced that RUCKA is going to be the writer when Marvel unleashes a new Wolverine series next May. DARRICK ROBERTSON is going to provide the artwork and has this to say about RUCKA’s take on Logan: “You will be getting a very, very different Wolverine… I think some fans aren’t going to like it all. Greg sees Logan like the Hulk in that he shouldn’t just go berserk all the time, but when he does, it’s a big deal and there will be so much building up to his explosion, that we he does cut loose, it will be momentous.”

The series seems to have a lot of potential. I know that I will be watching for the first issue.

Sometimes Wrong is Right?

There’s been a lot of talk about “Joe Millionaire” the reality show on Fox. It scored high ratings with tons of people tuning in to see twenty single women competing for the attention of a bachelor that they are led to believe is a millionaire. The catch is that he isn’t. He’s a normal guy who brings down about $20,000 a year.

First of all, why anyone would care a bit about women fighting to “win” the attention of any guy is beyond me. I guess I’m alone in that respect though. There have been a bunch of shows just like it… “Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire”...”The Bachelor” “The Bachelorette”… and now this… and I’m sure others to come.

What gets me is that if a guy was trying to pass himself off as a millionaire in order to get women, we’d call him a jerk. Yet a network does it and scores a ratings hit.

Bruce Willis’s Tears

Anyone here like BRUCE WILLIS? Ok, hands down. Anyone here enjoy “Training Day?” Good, good.

Anyone want to see BRUCE WILLIS team up with the director of “Training Day” for an action – adventure movie? I thought so.

Well then, click below to see the trailer and HERE to visit the official site. Class dismissed. See you tomorrow!

FX is Coming

This weekend JOHN “Big” BEATTY and I will be attending the FX Collector’s Toy, Comic and Fantasy Convention at Orlando’s Orange County Convention center. As if this weren’t reason enough to go, other guests scheduled to appear include LINDA [“The Exorcist”] BLAIR, DOUG [“Hellraiser”] BRADLEY, The Insane Clown Posse, and a whole bunch of comic book artists such as MARTIN NODELL, ALEX SAVIUK, and BILL BLACK.
JOHN will be selling some of his newly designed T-Shirts and doing some sketches while I will be checking out the place with my son and helping with the booth if it gets crazy. If you’re planning to attend, please make sure that you drop by and say, “Hi.”

Big Beatty

JOHN BEATTY has been my best friend forever. So I’m really happy to say that he’s starting to kick his personal web site into high gear. It’s going to be a blast. Many of you probably know of JOHN through his work for Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, etc.

JOHN is still doing some work in comics [he’s currently inking Birds of Prey over CASEY JONES] but is also expanding into T-Shirt Design and more. The business “stuff” will be available online at Big Shot Graphics and the fun stuff will be on his personal site and I can promise you that it’s going to be a hoot. Be advised the humor and language will sometimes not be for kids.

Guns and Monsters

STEVE NILES writes a mean hard-boiled novel. He also writes a wicked horror novel. What makes NILES unique is that he does this in the same book! Guns, Drugs and Monsters is actually the second in a [hopefully long-running] series featuring Cal MacDonald. Cal is a human with the gift / curse that he knows that monsters walk among us. He knows this because he hunts them. Well, a guy has to make a living somehow, doesn’t he?

NILES skillfully combines the best elements of CHANDLER and HAMMETT along with a dose of KING, plus a good bit of humor as well. I read through Guns, Drugs and Monsters in nearly one sitting [it’s that much fun]. It also features spot illustrations by ASHLEY WOOD that are the icing on the cake. I’ve already ordered Savage Membrane [the book that started the series]. If it’s just half as good as Guns then I’ll still have a winner.