Double Your Fun!
I’m a big fan of double features. Since the demise of drive-ins [yeah, I know, many of you are too young to have ever been to one], we just don’t get ’em anymore.
That’s about to change next April when Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez [roll those R’s Kelsey!] team up to bring us “Planet Terror” [zombies] and “Death Proof” [muscle car serial killer – not that he kills muscle cars, mind you].
Here’s the trailer.
Please, let it come soon. I’ve been good haven’t I? No, wait. I’ve been very baaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Very baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad man.
(Sorry, a little RainMan moment there.) I have been bad, though.
Rrrrobert Rrrrodriguez.
How was that? John?
HAHA, I’m never going to hear the end of that. I’m going to learn Spanish. That’ll teach you guy’s!
That trailer left me sitting in a puddle of my own drool.
I hope it was drool, anyway. The alternative’s pretty disturbing…
Chad: You’re always a baaaaad man. But in a funny way.
Kelsey: You’re rolling R’s continue to amaze!
Chris: Just leave a seat between us when the movie premieres and all will be good.