“The Crazies” (1973) written & directed by George A. Romero / Z-View

The Crazies (1973)

Director: George A. Romero

Screenplay: George A. Romero based on The Mad People by Paul McCollough

Stars: Lane Carroll, Will MacMillan, Harold Wayne Jones, Lloyd Hollar, Richard France, Ned Schmidtke, George A. Romero and A.C. McDonald.

Tagline: Why are the good people dying?

The Plot…

When a military plane crashes near a small town, the water supply is contaminated with a powerful bio-weapon.  Soon townspeople are starting to act violent towards themselves and each other.  When the military shows up the town is put on lockdown.  As more citizens and soldiers become infected, the decision to nuke the town becomes more likely.

Will anyone survive?

Thoughts (beware of spoilers)…

Romero was given a micro-budget for filming.  Most of the actors had little to no training and were locals.  Even some high school students played soldiers in hazmat suits.

The burning house was actually being used by local firefighters for a training exercise.  Romero got permission to film it.

Remade in 2010 starring Timothy (Justified) Olyphant and Radha (Pitch Black) Mitchell

The Crazies (1973) rates 3 of 5 stars.