UFOs, Aliens & Big Foot
According to an article, tests on hairs said to be from a Yeti in India have failed to link the strands with any known species! Boy, how many times have we heard something similar only to be let down later? The results end up being: it was a prank, the hairs/photos/sound recordings/etc. turned out to be an ape, a bear, a man in a funny suit.Arrrgh!
When I read articles like the one linked above I feel like Charlie Brown being coaxed by Lucy to come kick the football. Charlie Brown knows that every time he gives it a go, she yanks the ball away and he ends up falling down. He’s always left disappointed… yet he’s always willing to try it again. Every time I read one of these type articles [UFOs, big foot, aliens, paranormal events, etc.], I know that the football is going to be yanked away. I’ll end up disappointed…
Then before too long, like Charlie Brown, I’ll hear the call to give it another go…
lool, thanx 4 sharing CRAIG Z!
Well if you’re obsessed enough, you’ll never stop looking. I won’t.
Aug 2, 2008, 10:39am, Raven wrote:
Is that a Predator 2 quote, or from The Wizard Of Oz, with the ‘Oh my’ I detect in your title there? (Gary Busey AKA Peter Keyes) 🙂
It was a reference I was making to “The Wizard of Oz.” Good job on catching it! ;D
I’m glad to see such an interest in cryptozoology and the paranormal here on the Zone. Seems I’m not the only one. 🙂
There’s been some recent buzz about the Phoenix lander discovering something “more compelling” than the presence of water.
http://www.universetoday.com/2008/08/02/….-life-on-m ars/
So Bush has been briefed. Apparently this is pretty important. The Phoenix lander is incapable of detecting evidence of life on Mars, so I’m not sure how important this is. But check it out for yourself.