“Amityville Uprising” (2022) / Z-View

Amityville Uprising (2022) 

Director: Thomas J. Churchill

Screenplay: Thomas J. Churchill

Stars: Scott C. Roe, Mike Ferguson, Kelly Lynn Reiter, Troy Fromin.

Tagline: To Serve. To Protect. And to Fight the Undead.

The Plot…

An explosion at a military base produces a cloud that releases acid rain over Amityville.  The contaminated downpour turns town folk into zombies.

Thoughts (beware of spoilers)…

Amityville Uprising sounded like a low budget drive-in movie that might be a fun way to spend an hour and a half.  I tapped out after 31 minutes.  I was still waiting to see a zombie.

Amityville Uprising (2022) rates 1 of 5 stars.